Healing The Brain, Naturally

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself and create new connections. A “plastic” brain is based upon the brain’s ability to change in the face of new life experiences. We all have the ability to create change in the brain. Scientific studies discovered this phenomenon with brain trauma and the brain’s ability to heal post-injury. It is amazing to know that the body/brain is always conspiring to heal us!
Understanding Types of Brain Changes - Structural Vs. Functional
Neurological changes will occur at two different levels. The structural is actual cell regeneration and neuronal health. The functional changes are attached to mood, learning and memory. It is important to implement healing in both aspects.
A few suggested healing modalities that address both, the structural and functional:
◻ Yoga/Tai-Chi
◻ Brain Games/Tasks
◻ Walking
◻ Feldenkrais Method [Kelly Feder at http://feldenkraismovementstl.com]
◻ Creating A Positive Outlook
◻ Mindfulness OR Healing Mantras/Sounds
◻ Learning a new skill or hobby
◻ Caloric Restriction/Fasting: intermittent fasting and/or reducing total caloric intake [CAUTION with low/high blood sugar or intense exercise]
◻ Antioxidants: fatty acids (salmon, olive oil, avocado, etc.) and polyphenols (green tea, cocoa, berries and curcumin)
Cannabidiol (CBD)
Naturally occurring in the Cannabis sativa plant. CBD is the non-psychoactive component of the plant, therefore not causing a “high” sensation. Works on specific Cannabinoid Receptors in the brain, to create calm. Also helpful for mood/anxiety relief and pain management. Increased receptors with brain trauma, are therefore important to enhance brain healing.
Lemon balm {Latin: Melissa officianalis}
A calming, nervine herb that nourishes the neurological system and works on healing nerves. Lemon Balm contains Rosmarinic Acid, which has been found to encourage the repair of DNA. This herb is used for mood/anxiety and to reduce physical spasms of nerve tissue.
Lions Mane {Latin: Hericium erinaceus}
A great mushroom for neurological balance. Lion’s Mane contains a “nerve growth factor” that is important for the regeneration of cells. Used for increasing cognitive function and memory.